Grove of Cernunnos

Cost 1,200
Repair cost 480
Repair cost if ruined 960
  • +5% wealth from agriculture
  • +3 Celtic cultural influence
  • +4 public order per turn
  • -1 food
Building Chain (Galatia, Tylis (Pirates & Raiders))

Images of the god Cernunnos, or the 'Horned One', have been found dating back to the 4th century BC. Most commonly depicted as an antlered man sitting cross legged, it has been argued that the antlers mark Cernunnos as an animal deity. His depiction on the famous Gundestrup Cauldron certainly supports this theory, as he is shown surrounded by animals. Others, however, see him simply as a god of nature or a fertility symbol. He often appears wearing a torc around his neck, around his antlers, or simply held in one hand. Torcs were a symbol of high status, which possibly explains their association with the immortal Cernunnos.

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