Shrine of Rosmerta

Cost 2,700
Repair cost 1,080
Repair cost if ruined 2,160
  • Tribute Collection Edict +3 public order from taxes
  • +8% wealth from all sources
  • +6 Celtic cultural influence
  • +6 public order per turn
  • -4 food
Building Chain (Arverni, Arverni (Caesar in Gaul), Boii, Nervii, Nervii (Caesar in Gaul))

Rosmerta or 'The Great Provider' was a Celtic goddess of fertility and plenty. She was represented holding fruit or a cornucopia, clear symbols of her aspect as a goddess of plenty. Images of Rosmerta have been found in France, Germany and Luxembourg, and many show her beside the Roman god Mercury or even wearing his winged helm suggesting that she was seen as his consort by the Romans. A relief found in Wasserbillig, Luxembourg also hints that Rosmerta may have had a healing aspect, as it carries an inscription relating to the opening of a hospital.

Local Garrison
Faction Availability