Spice Market

Cost 1,300
Repair cost 520
Repair cost if ruined 1,040
  • +3% wealth from all sources
  • 100 wealth from local commerce
  • -1 public order per turn (squalor)
Building Chain (Armenia, Armenia (Emperor Edition), Parthia, Parthia (Emperor Edition))

Spices were highly valued commodities, both for local consumption and trade with other peoples. Trade along what would become the Silk and Spice roads began almost at the start of civilisation with the rise of farming and trade amongst Neolithic communities. It was not until Arab and Phoenician traders began trading spices and other luxury goods, such as gold, precious stones, silks and fine textiles, that fixed routes and markets began to appear. As well as spices to flavour foods, other items were traded, including those considered essential for religious rites, such as frankincense. Traded for over 5,000 years, this tree resin gives off a strong aroma when burned. Myrrh was also valued for its uses as a medicine and for embalming mummies.

Local Garrison
Faction Availability