Temple of the Muses

Cost 3,000
Repair cost 1,200
Repair cost if ruined 2,400
  • +1 influence per turn for your political party
  • 80 wealth from learning (culture)
  • +18% research rate
  • -1 food
Building Chain (Athenai (Wrath of Sparta), Boiotian League (Wrath of Sparta), Sparta (Wrath of Sparta))
Building Chain (Korinthos (Wrath of Sparta))

In Greek mythology, the Muses were goddesses considered to be the source of inspiration for all literature, music and knowledge. Most typical accounts say that there were nine, all of them (somewhat unsurprisingly) daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, the personification of memory. Although broadly associated with knowledge, the Muses themselves were each connected to a discipline; science, philosophy, art and mathematics, as well as collectively representing 'mousike' (from which we draw the English word 'music'). The original three Muses were all worshipped at the springs on the eastern slopes of Mount Helion, the festival of 'Mouseia' being held there every five years in the goddesses' honour.