Subterranean Aqueduct

Cost 800
Repair cost 320
Repair cost if ruined 640
  • +2 growth per turn
  • +2 public order per turn (sanitation)
Building Chain (Athenai (Wrath of Sparta), Boiotian League (Wrath of Sparta), Korinthos (Wrath of Sparta), Sparta (Wrath of Sparta))

Subterranean tunnels were used to channel water from springs or rivers to settlements so that enemies could not tamper with the supply. Often with entrances and sources well concealed aqueducts could not be blocked or poisoned, allowing Hellenic towns and cities to hold out for extended periods. Due to the way it was made, the Eupalinian Aqueduct is famous: built in the 6th century BC, it connected the city of Samos to a hidden spring. It was just over one kilometre in length, and was dug from both ends at the same time - the digging teams meeting underground thanks to a superb grasp of geometry.