Sacred Enclosure

Cost 600
Repair cost 240
Repair cost if ruined 480
  • +2 Iberian cultural influence
  • +2 public order per turn
Building Chain (Arevaci, Arevaci (Hannibal at the Gates), Lusitani, Lusitani (Hannibal at the Gates))

The tribes of ancient Gaul, Britannia and Germania seldom constructed temple buildings to their gods, preferring instead to use natural boundaries such as riverbanks, springs, lakes, and tree groves to divide the everyday world from the spiritual realm. The oak was particularly sacred to the Celts, therefore oak groves were places of great importance where tribal matters were discussed and the druids sought answers from the gods. Believing anything that grew on a sacred oak was a sign or gift from the gods and should be treated with great respect, the druids considered mistletoe particularly powerful, thinking it a cure for any known poison.

Local Garrison
Faction Availability