Grove of Tabiti

Cost 1,400
Repair cost 560
Repair cost if ruined 1,120
  • Commercial Stimulation Edict: +5% wealth from industry buildings
  • +5% wealth from industry
  • +2 Nomadic cultural influence
  • 60 wealth from entertainment (culture)
  • +2 public order per turn
  • -1 food
Building Chain (Massagetae, Roxolani, Royal Scythia)

In keeping with other tribal, clan or family-based cultures, the Scythians seem to have a reverence for 'hearth and home'. In their case, the personification of this idea was Tabiti, a mother-goddess figure, and the most important figure in their pantheon. According to Herodotus, who translated the goddess into a civilised, Greek frame of reference, Tabiti was the equivalent of Hestia, the ancient virgin-goddess of hearth, family and domestic life. He also mentioned that Tabiti was honoured, like all the gods with animal sacrifices. Sheep, cattle and horses were offered to her, but never pigs as these were, apparently, seen as unclean animals. In this, many ancient peoples were right, as a horribly large number of communicable diseases can be found in carelessly raised pigs. As might be expected of steppe nomads, offering horses in sacrifice was the surest way to the goddess’ favour.

Local Garrison
Faction Availability